Games In The Box

Games In The Box is a certain minigame system for Spigot servers, with the idea of “multiple games in a single arena”. It’s mainly for hub & event places, but admins can use this in more scenarios (like a separated gamemode), thanks to the highly flexibility it has. Developers can also make their own games and add it via the expansion system or just a hook.



King Of The Hill King Of The Hill Block Rush Block Rush Defuse the Bomb Defuse the Bomb Shoot the Bat Shoot the Bat Pinata Pinata



The video is a showcase for an old version of this plugin.

Subsections of Games In The Box

Chapter 1


Include some basic knowledge before using the plugin

Subsections of Basic



Game is a standard unit in which we define logic, sequences & tasks to be performed so that the players would join & have fun the way we want. In this plugin, Game is commonly provided by developers who have ideas for some ways to entertain the players.


Arena is “game in action”, which is usually a place Game takes part in. Operators would configure aspects of a specific Game to make it an Arena.


Planner is the biggest unit of the plugin. It’s a unit to handle multiple Arenas, usually for scheduling which Arena would be run at a certain time.


Picker is a part of a Planner that chooses which Arena will be run. it can be configured by operators to specify how to choose (pick) an Arena.


Main Command

  • /gitb reload

    • Permission: gamesinthebox.reload
    • Description: Reload the plugin
  • /gitb action <planner> <action> [args]

    • Permission: gamesinthebox.action
    • Description: Perform an action in the current arena of the planner
    • Argument:
      • <planner>: The Planner to perform the action on the Arena
      • <action>: The action to perform
      • [args]: The arguments required by the action
    • Note:
      • You can type /gitb action <planner> to get the list of available actions
  • /gitb end <planner>

    • Permission: gamesinthebox.end
    • Description: Force the planner to end the current arena of the planner
    • Argument:
  • /gitb forcepick <planner>

    • Permission: gamesinthebox.forcepick
    • Description: Force the planner to pick the next arena
    • Argument:
      • <planner>: The Planner to force the picker
  • /gitb setgame <planner> <arena>

    • Permission: gamesinthebox.setgame
    • Description: Set the next arena in the planner
    • Argument:
  • /gitb expansion

    • Permission: gamesinthebox.expansion
    • Description: Get the running expansions of the plugin

Editor Command

Permission: gamesinthebox.editor

  • /gitbeditor usage <game>

    • Description: Get the usage of the editor. It’s usually about the available actions that can be performed on the editor
    • Argument:
      • <game>: The Game to edit
  • /gitbeditor save <game> <planner> <arena> [override]

    • Description: Save the settings of the game to the planner as an arena
    • Argument:
      • <game>: The Game to save
      • <planner>: The Planner that the Game would be saved to
      • <arena>: The name of the Arena that the Game would be saved as
      • [override]: Whether to override current settings if the Arena exists. Default to false if not specified
  • /gitbeditor action <game> <action> [args]

    • Description: Perform an action on the editor
    • Argument:
      • <game>: The Game to perform the action
      • <action>: The action to perform
      • [args]: The arguments required by the action
  • /gitbeditor reset <game>

    • Description: Reset the editor
    • Argument:
      • <game>: The Game to edit
  • /gitbeditor status <game>

    • Description: Get the status of the editor
    • Argument:
      • <game>: The Game to edit
  • /gitbeditor migrate <game> <planner> <arena>

    • Description: Migrate the settings from an arena
    • Argument:
      • <game>: The Game to migrate the settings
      • <planner>: The Planner that has the Arena to migrate to
      • <arena>: The Arena to migrate the settings to


# Settings for games that involve blocks
  # How many blocks to be placed for each call
  blocks-per-tick: 50

  # The delay before calling the next tick
  block-delay: 0

  # The maximum blocks to be placed (-1 for unlimited)
  max-blocks: -1

  # Should the plugin use FastAsyncWorldEdit if it exists ?
  use-fawe: true

# Settings for Planners
  # The delay between Planner's tick
  interval: 20

  # Should the planner run asynchronously ?
  async: true


The plugin provides built-in variables for Game, Arena & Game. These variables can be used in game messages and actions.

Built-in variables

{planner_name}The name of the planner
{planner_game_name}The display name of the game of the current arena of the planner
{planner_game_local_name}The name of the current arena of the planner
{planner_state}The current state of the planner
{planner_game_state}The state of the current arena of the planner

Hook to PlaceholderAPI

The variables can be used in PlaceholderAPI with this format:

  • <planner> is the name of the planner to request
  • <variable> is the plugin variable without curly brackets {}

For example, if you want to get the {planner_game_state} of a planner named my_game, the placeholder for that will be

Chapter 2


Introduce premade games and how to set up Arenas from them

Subsections of Game

Block Rush



  1. Go to the download page
  2. Choose the latest version
  3. Download the -shaded file
  4. Copy the downloaded file to the folder plugins/GamesInTheBox/expansions
  5. Restart the server

How to play

A box of blocks would appears at the game arena. Players must mine the blocks to earn points. Those who have the highest points would win the game.

Set up

  1. Build a place for the box

1-Build 1-Build


The stones are for the two corners of the box

  1. Look at the first corner and type /gitbeditor action rush set-pos1

2-Set-Pos1 2-Set-Pos1

  1. Look at the second corner and type /gitbeditor action rush set-pos2

3-Set-Pos2 3-Set-Pos2

  1. Configure additional settings

  2. Save the settings as a new arena by typing /gitbeditor save rush <planner> <arena>

  3. Clear the unnecessary blocks. Your new arena will be available after reloading

4-Final 4-Final

Additional Settings


The settings below are available as the actions of the command /gitbeditor action rush <action> [args]

For example, the action set-point <number> block is relevant to the command /gitbeditor action rush set-point <number> block

Use the command /gitbeditor usage rush to get the full list of available actions and their usage

Use the command /gitbeditor status rush to get the status of the settings, including the current values for each one of them


  • set-point <number> block to set the points a player would receive when he breaks a block


  • add-reward <top> <command> to add a new <command> to be executed when the player is at the position <top>
  • You can use some placeholders for the <command>:
    • {top}: Get the top position of the player
    • {name}: Get the name of the player
  • <top> starts from 1. A value of -1 indicates that the reward is for all players
  • clear-reward <top> to clear all commands at the position <top>
  • clear-all-reward to clear all commands at all the top
  • set-min-players-to-reward <number> to set how many players are required to start the reward

Set the <number> to -1 to disable the limit


  • new-hologram to create a new hologram at your current location
  • set-hologram-location <index> to move the hologram at the <index> to your current location

The <index> of the hologram starts from 0, and it is provided as the output of the action new-hologram

  • add-hologram-line <index> <line> to add the <line> at the end of the hologram at the <index>

You can use default hologram lines provided by the default-hologram-lines setting at the file messages.yml in the expansion’s folder

To use these lines, set the <line> to default:<name>, with the <name> indicating the name of the default hologram lines

For example, if you want to use the description hologram lines, the appropriate <line> will be default:description

  • clear-hologram-line <index> to clear all lines of the hologram at the <index>
  • remove-hologram <index> to remove the hologram at the <index>
  • clear-all-hologram to clear all holograms


  • set-material <material> <number> to set the probability <number> of the <material> as a block in the box
  • drop-item-on-break <true/false> to enable / disable dropping items when a player breaks a block


  • set-waiting-time <time> to set the <time> before the game starts
  • set-in-game-time <time> to set the <time> the game runs
  • set-ending-time <time> to set the <time> before the game ends

The unit of <time> is millisecond by default

You can set the <time> in seconds by adding s after the time. For example, 30s is for 30 seconds

Similarly, you can set the <time> in minutes by using m (30m for 30 minutes)


{game_point}The points of the player
{game_top}The top position of the player
{game_time_left}The time left of the game arena
{game_min_players_to_reward}The minimum players to start the reward
{game_point_block}The points to give when a player mines a block
{game_top_name_<number>}The name of the player at the top position <number>
{game_top_value_<number>}The value of the player at the top position <number>



The actions below are used in the command /gitb action <planner> <action> [args]

For example, the command to use the action skip-time is gitb action <planner> skip-time

  • skip-time to skip the time on a state of the current arena

Defuse the Bomb



  1. Go to the download page
  2. Choose the latest version
  3. Download the -shaded file
  4. Copy the downloaded file to the folder plugins/GamesInTheBox/expansions
  5. Restart the server

How to play

Bombs would be spawned at the game arena. Players must click the bomb to defuse it and earn points. If a bomb exploded near a player, his points would be decreased. Those who have the highest points would win the game.

Set up

  1. Build a place for the box

1-Build 1-Build


The stones are for the two corners of the box

  1. Look at the first corner and type /gitbeditor action dtb set-pos1

2-Set-Pos1 2-Set-Pos1

  1. Look at the second corner and type /gitbeditor action dtb set-pos2

3-Set-Pos2 3-Set-Pos2

  1. Configure additional settings

  2. Save the settings as a new arena by typing /gitbeditor save dtb <planner> <arena>

  3. Clear the unnecessary blocks. Your new arena will be available after reloading

4-Final 4-Final

Additional Settings


The settings below are available as the actions of the command /gitbeditor action dtb <action> [args]

For example, the action set-point <number> plus is relevant to the command /gitbeditor action dtb set-point <number> plus

Use the command /gitbeditor usage dtb to get the full list of available actions and their usage

Use the command /gitbeditor status dtb to get the status of the settings, including the current values for each one of them


  • set-point <number> plus to set the points a player would receive when he defuses a bomb
  • set-point <number> minus to set the points decreased when a player is damaged by a bomb exploding


  • add-reward <top> <command> to add a new <command> to be executed when the player is at the position <top>
  • You can use some placeholders for the <command>:
    • {top}: Get the top position of the player
    • {name}: Get the name of the player
  • <top> starts from 1. A value of -1 indicates that the reward is for all players
  • clear-reward <top> to clear all commands at the position <top>
  • clear-all-reward to clear all commands at all the top
  • set-min-players-to-reward <number> to set how many players are required to start the reward

Set the <number> to -1 to disable the limit


  • new-hologram to create a new hologram at your current location
  • set-hologram-location <index> to move the hologram at the <index> to your current location

The <index> of the hologram starts from 0, and it is provided as the output of the action new-hologram

  • add-hologram-line <index> <line> to add the <line> at the end of the hologram at the <index>

You can use default hologram lines provided by the default-hologram-lines setting at the file messages.yml in the expansion’s folder

To use these lines, set the <line> to default:<name>, with the <name> indicating the name of the default hologram lines

For example, if you want to use the description hologram lines, the appropriate <line> will be default:description

  • clear-hologram-line <index> to clear all lines of the hologram at the <index>
  • remove-hologram <index> to remove the hologram at the <index>
  • clear-all-hologram to clear all holograms


  • set-waiting-time <time> to set the <time> before the game starts
  • set-in-game-time <time> to set the <time> the game runs
  • set-ending-time <time> to set the <time> before the game ends

The unit of <time> is millisecond by default

You can set the <time> in seconds by adding s after the time. For example, 30s is for 30 seconds

Similarly, you can set the <time> in minutes by using m (30m for 30 minutes)

Bomb & Bomb Spawning

  • set-min-fuse-ticks <number> to set the minimum fuse ticks of the bomb
  • set-max-fuse-ticks <number> to set the maximum fust ticks of the bomb
  • set-explode-yield <number> to set the damage yield when a bomb explodes
  • set-damage-on-explode <true/false> to enable / disable player damaging when a bomb explodes
  • set-max-spawn <number> to set the maximum amount of bombs allowed on the game arena
  • set-min-x <number> to set the X offset between the minimum corner of the game box and that of the spawning box
  • set-max-x <number> to set the X offset between the maximum corner of the game box and that of the spawning box
  • set-min-y <number> to set the Y offset between the minimum corner of the game box and that of the spawning box
  • set-max-y <number> to set the Y offset between the maximum corner of the game box and that of the spawning box
  • set-min-z <number> to set the Z offset between the minimum corner of the game box and that of the spawning box
  • set-max-z <number> to set the Z offset between the maximum corner of the game box and that of the spawning box
  • add-name-tag <name> to add a name tag that would be set to the bomb
  • clear-name-tags to clear all the name tags


{game_point}The points of the player
{game_top}The top position of the player
{game_time_left}The time left of the game arena
{game_min_players_to_reward}The minimum players to start the reward
{game_point_plus}The points to give when a player defuses a bomb
{game_point_minus}The points to take when a player gets damaged by a bomb
{game_top_name_<number>}The name of the player at the top position <number>
{game_top_value_<number>}The value of the player at the top position <number>



The actions below are used in the command /gitb action <planner> <action> [args]

For example, the command to use the action skip-time is gitb action <planner> skip-time

  • skip-time to skip the time on a state of the current arena

King of the Hill



  1. Go to the download page
  2. Choose the latest version
  3. Download the -shaded file
  4. Copy the downloaded file to the folder plugins/GamesInTheBox/expansions
  5. Restart the server

How to play

A box would appear at the game arena. Players must enter the box to earn points. If a player was knocked out of the box for some reasons, the points would be decreased over time. Those who have the highest points would win the game.

Set up

  1. Build a place for the box

1-Build 1-Build


The stones are for the two corners of the box

  1. Look at the first corner and type /gitbeditor action koth set-pos1

2-Set-Pos1 2-Set-Pos1

  1. Look at the second corner and type /gitbeditor action koth set-pos2

3-Set-Pos2 3-Set-Pos2

  1. Configure additional settings

  2. Save the settings as a new arena by typing /gitbeditor save koth <planner> <arena>

  3. Clear the unnecessary blocks. Your new arena will be available after reloading

4-Final 4-Final

Additional Settings


The settings below are available as the actions of the command /gitbeditor action koth <action> [args]

For example, the action set-point <number> plus is relevant to the command /gitbeditor action koth set-point <number> plus

Use the command /gitbeditor usage koth to get the full list of available actions and their usage

Use the command /gitbeditor status koth to get the status of the settings, including the current values for each one of them


  • set-point <number> plus to set the points a player would receive when he enters the box
  • set-point <number> minus to set the points decreased when a player is out of the box
  • set-max-players-to-add-point <number> to set the maximum players inside the box before the box stops giving points

Set the <number> to -1 to disable the limit


  • add-reward <top> <command> to add a new <command> to be executed when the player is at the position <top>
  • You can use some placeholders for the <command>:
    • {top}: Get the top position of the player
    • {name}: Get the name of the player
  • <top> starts from 1. A value of -1 indicates that the reward is for all players
  • clear-reward <top> to clear all commands at the position <top>
  • clear-all-reward to clear all commands at all the top
  • set-min-players-to-reward <number> to set how many players are required to start the reward

Set the <number> to -1 to disable the limit


  • new-hologram to create a new hologram at your current location
  • set-hologram-location <index> to move the hologram at the <index> to your current location

The <index> of the hologram starts from 0, and it is provided as the output of the action new-hologram

  • add-hologram-line <index> <line> to add the <line> at the end of the hologram at the <index>

You can use default hologram lines provided by the default-hologram-lines setting at the file messages.yml in the expansion’s folder

To use these lines, set the <line> to default:<name>, with the <name> indicating the name of the default hologram lines

For example, if you want to use the description hologram lines, the appropriate <line> will be default:description

  • clear-hologram-line <index> to clear all lines of the hologram at the <index>
  • remove-hologram <index> to remove the hologram at the <index>
  • clear-all-hologram to clear all holograms


  • set-waiting-time <time> to set the <time> before the game starts
  • set-in-game-time <time> to set the <time> the game runs
  • set-ending-time <time> to set the <time> before the game ends

The unit of <time> is millisecond by default

You can set the <time> in seconds by adding s after the time. For example, 30s is for 30 seconds

Similarly, you can set the <time> in minutes by using m (30m for 30 minutes)


  • set-particle <particle> to set the <particle> of the box
  • set-particle-count <number> to set the count of the particle of the box
  • set-particle-offset <x> <y> <z> to set the offset of the particle of the box
  • set-particle-rate <number> to set the density (rate) of the particle of the box
  • set-particle-period <number> to set the period between each call of spawning the particle


{game_point}The points of the player
{game_top}The top position of the player
{game_time_left}The time left of the game arena
{game_min_players_to_reward}The minimum players to start the reward
{game_point_plus}The points to give when a player enters the box
{game_point_minus}The points to take when a player is out of the box
{game_top_name_<number>}The name of the player at the top position <number>
{game_top_value_<number>}The value of the player at the top position <number>



The actions below are used in the command /gitb action <planner> <action> [args]

For example, the command to use the action skip-time is gitb action <planner> skip-time

  • skip-time to skip the time on a state of the current arena




  1. Go to the download page
  2. Choose the latest version
  3. Download the -shaded file
  4. Copy the downloaded file to the folder plugins/GamesInTheBox/expansions
  5. Restart the server

How to play

A pinata would be spawned at the game arena. Players must hit them to earn points. Those who have the highest points would win the game.

Set up

  1. Build a place for the box

1-Build 1-Build


The stones are for the two corners of the box

  1. Look at the first corner and type /gitbeditor action pinata set-pos1

2-Set-Pos1 2-Set-Pos1

  1. Look at the second corner and type /gitbeditor action pinata set-pos2

3-Set-Pos2 3-Set-Pos2

  1. Configure additional settings

  2. Save the settings as a new arena by typing /gitbeditor save pinata <planner> <arena>

  3. Clear the unnecessary blocks. Your new arena will be available after reloading

4-Final 4-Final

Additional Settings


The settings below are available as the actions of the command /gitbeditor action pinata <action> [args]

For example, the action set-point <number> hit is relevant to the command /gitbeditor action pinata set-point <number> hit

Use the command /gitbeditor usage pinata to get the full list of available actions and their usage

Use the command /gitbeditor status pinata to get the status of the settings, including the current values for each one of them


  • set-point <number> hit to set the points a player would receive when he hit the pinata
  • set-damage-as-point <true/false> to set whether to use the damage value as points


  • add-reward <top> <command> to add a new <command> to be executed when the player is at the position <top>
  • You can use some placeholders for the <command>:
    • {top}: Get the top position of the player
    • {name}: Get the name of the player
  • <top> starts from 1. A value of -1 indicates that the reward is for all players
  • clear-reward <top> to clear all commands at the position <top>
  • clear-all-reward to clear all commands at all the top
  • set-min-players-to-reward <number> to set how many players are required to start the reward

Set the <number> to -1 to disable the limit


  • new-hologram to create a new hologram at your current location
  • set-hologram-location <index> to move the hologram at the <index> to your current location

The <index> of the hologram starts from 0, and it is provided as the output of the action new-hologram

  • add-hologram-line <index> <line> to add the <line> at the end of the hologram at the <index>

You can use default hologram lines provided by the default-hologram-lines setting at the file messages.yml in the expansion’s folder

To use these lines, set the <line> to default:<name>, with the <name> indicating the name of the default hologram lines

For example, if you want to use the description hologram lines, the appropriate <line> will be default:description

  • clear-hologram-line <index> to clear all lines of the hologram at the <index>
  • remove-hologram <index> to remove the hologram at the <index>
  • clear-all-hologram to clear all holograms


  • set-waiting-time <time> to set the <time> before the game starts
  • set-in-game-time <time> to set the <time> the game runs
  • set-ending-time <time> to set the <time> before the game ends

The unit of <time> is millisecond by default

You can set the <time> in seconds by adding s after the time. For example, 30s is for 30 seconds

Similarly, you can set the <time> in minutes by using m (30m for 30 minutes)

Pinata & Pinata Spawning

  • set-pinata-type <entity> to set the entity type of the pinata
  • set-ai <true/false> to set whether the pinata has AI
  • set-min-x <number> to set the X offset between the minimum corner of the game box and that of the spawning box
  • set-max-x <number> to set the X offset between the maximum corner of the game box and that of the spawning box
  • set-min-y <number> to set the Y offset between the minimum corner of the game box and that of the spawning box
  • set-max-y <number> to set the Y offset between the maximum corner of the game box and that of the spawning box
  • set-min-z <number> to set the Z offset between the minimum corner of the game box and that of the spawning box
  • set-max-z <number> to set the Z offset between the maximum corner of the game box and that of the spawning box
  • add-name-tag <name> to add a name tag that would be set to the pinata
  • clear-name-tags to clear all the name tags


{game_point}The points of the player
{game_top}The top position of the player
{game_time_left}The time left of the game arena
{game_min_players_to_reward}The minimum players to start the reward
{game_point_hit}The points to give when a player hit the pinata
{game_top_name_<number>}The name of the player at the top position <number>
{game_top_value_<number>}The value of the player at the top position <number>



The actions below are used in the command /gitb action <planner> <action> [args]

For example, the command to use the action skip-time is gitb action <planner> skip-time

  • skip-time to skip the time on a state of the current arena

Shoot the Bat



  1. Go to the download page
  2. Choose the latest version
  3. Download the -shaded file
  4. Copy the downloaded file to the folder plugins/GamesInTheBox/expansions
  5. Restart the server

How to play

Bats would be spawned at the game arena. Players must kill them to earn points. Those who have the highest points would win the game.

Set up

  1. Build a place for the box

1-Build 1-Build


The stones are for the two corners of the box

  1. Look at the first corner and type /gitbeditor action stb set-pos1

2-Set-Pos1 2-Set-Pos1

  1. Look at the second corner and type /gitbeditor action stb set-pos2

3-Set-Pos2 3-Set-Pos2

  1. Configure additional settings

  2. Save the settings as a new arena by typing /gitbeditor save stb <planner> <arena>

  3. Clear the unnecessary blocks. Your new arena will be available after reloading

4-Final 4-Final

Additional Settings


The settings below are available as the actions of the command /gitbeditor action stb <action> [args]

For example, the action set-point <number> kill is relevant to the command /gitbeditor action stb set-point <number> kill

Use the command /gitbeditor usage stb to get the full list of available actions and their usage

Use the command /gitbeditor status stb to get the status of the settings, including the current values for each one of them


  • set-point <number> kill to set the points a player would receive when he kills a bat


  • add-reward <top> <command> to add a new <command> to be executed when the player is at the position <top>
  • You can use some placeholders for the <command>:
    • {top}: Get the top position of the player
    • {name}: Get the name of the player
  • <top> starts from 1. A value of -1 indicates that the reward is for all players
  • clear-reward <top> to clear all commands at the position <top>
  • clear-all-reward to clear all commands at all the top
  • set-min-players-to-reward <number> to set how many players are required to start the reward

Set the <number> to -1 to disable the limit


  • new-hologram to create a new hologram at your current location
  • set-hologram-location <index> to move the hologram at the <index> to your current location

The <index> of the hologram starts from 0, and it is provided as the output of the action new-hologram

  • add-hologram-line <index> <line> to add the <line> at the end of the hologram at the <index>

You can use default hologram lines provided by the default-hologram-lines setting at the file messages.yml in the expansion’s folder

To use these lines, set the <line> to default:<name>, with the <name> indicating the name of the default hologram lines

For example, if you want to use the description hologram lines, the appropriate <line> will be default:description

  • clear-hologram-line <index> to clear all lines of the hologram at the <index>
  • remove-hologram <index> to remove the hologram at the <index>
  • clear-all-hologram to clear all holograms


  • set-waiting-time <time> to set the <time> before the game starts
  • set-in-game-time <time> to set the <time> the game runs
  • set-ending-time <time> to set the <time> before the game ends

The unit of <time> is millisecond by default

You can set the <time> in seconds by adding s after the time. For example, 30s is for 30 seconds

Similarly, you can set the <time> in minutes by using m (30m for 30 minutes)

Bat & Bat Spawning

  • set-max-spawn <number> to set the maximum amount of bats allowed on the game arena
  • set-min-x <number> to set the X offset between the minimum corner of the game box and that of the spawning box
  • set-max-x <number> to set the X offset between the maximum corner of the game box and that of the spawning box
  • set-min-y <number> to set the Y offset between the minimum corner of the game box and that of the spawning box
  • set-max-y <number> to set the Y offset between the maximum corner of the game box and that of the spawning box
  • set-min-z <number> to set the Z offset between the minimum corner of the game box and that of the spawning box
  • set-max-z <number> to set the Z offset between the maximum corner of the game box and that of the spawning box
  • add-name-tag <name> to add a name tag that would be set to the bat
  • clear-name-tags to clear all the name tags


{game_point}The points of the player
{game_top}The top position of the player
{game_time_left}The time left of the game arena
{game_min_players_to_reward}The minimum players to start the reward
{game_point_kill}The points to give when a player kills a bat
{game_top_name_<number>}The name of the player at the top position <number>
{game_top_value_<number>}The value of the player at the top position <number>



The actions below are used in the command /gitb action <planner> <action> [args]

For example, the command to use the action skip-time is gitb action <planner> skip-time

  • skip-time to skip the time on a state of the current arena
Chapter 3


A part of Planner to choose a specific Arena

Subsections of Picker


This is a simple picker that choose a random arena from the planner.


picker-type: random
pick-delay: <time>

  # Your game settings are generated here


  • pick-delay: The time to wait before choosing the next arena


{picker_time_left}The time left before choosing the next arena


This is a picker that choose a random arena based on the specific chance of it.


picker-type: chance
pick-delay: <time>
  arena1: 10
  arena2: 20
  arena3: 30
  arena4: 40

  # Your game settings are generated here


  • pick-delay: The time to wait before choosing the next arena
  • pick-chance: The chance that an arena would be picked


{picker_time_left}The time left before choosing the next arena


This is a picker that choose an arena in the specific sequence of arenas.


picker-type: sequence
pick-delay: <time>
  - "arena1,arena2,arena3"
  - "arena4,arena5"
  - "arena6"

  # Your game settings are generated here


  • pick-delay: The time to wait before choosing the next arena
  • pick-sequence: The sequence of arenas (as a list) that the picker would follow along with

The picker would follow the sequence line-by-line. However, you can add multiple arenas in a line and let the picker randomly choose one of them.

  - "arena1,arena2,arena3" # 1. Play one of arena1, arena2, arena3
  - "arena4,arena5"        # 2. Play one of arena4, arena5
  - "arena6"               # 3. Play arena6


{picker_time_left}The time left before choosing the next arena
Chapter 4


A list of expansions to add more features to the base plugin.

Subsections of Expansion

Scheduled Game Picker


This is a picker that choose an arena based on a specific set of time events.


  1. Go to the download page
  2. Choose the latest version
  3. Download the -shaded file
  4. Copy the downloaded file to the folder plugins/GamesInTheBox/expansions
  5. Restart the server


picker-type: cron
  arena1: "* 10 0 ? * * *"
  arena2: "* 20 0 ? * * *"
  arena3: "* 30 0 ? * * *"

  # Your game settings are generated here


  • pick-time: The pair of the arena name and a Cron expression that describes how often the arena takes part in

You can go to this page to generate a Cron expression.


{picker_time_left}The time left before choosing the next arena
{picker_next_game_name}The display name of the game of the next arena