Shoot the Bat



  1. Go to the download page
  2. Choose the latest version
  3. Download the -shaded file
  4. Copy the downloaded file to the folder plugins/GamesInTheBox/expansions
  5. Restart the server

How to play

Bats would be spawned at the game arena. Players must kill them to earn points. Those who have the highest points would win the game.

Set up

  1. Build a place for the box

1-Build 1-Build


The stones are for the two corners of the box

  1. Look at the first corner and type /gitbeditor action stb set-pos1

2-Set-Pos1 2-Set-Pos1

  1. Look at the second corner and type /gitbeditor action stb set-pos2

3-Set-Pos2 3-Set-Pos2

  1. Configure additional settings

  2. Save the settings as a new arena by typing /gitbeditor save stb <planner> <arena>

  3. Clear the unnecessary blocks. Your new arena will be available after reloading

4-Final 4-Final

Additional Settings


The settings below are available as the actions of the command /gitbeditor action stb <action> [args]

For example, the action set-point <number> kill is relevant to the command /gitbeditor action stb set-point <number> kill

Use the command /gitbeditor usage stb to get the full list of available actions and their usage

Use the command /gitbeditor status stb to get the status of the settings, including the current values for each one of them


  • set-point <number> kill to set the points a player would receive when he kills a bat


  • add-reward <top> <command> to add a new <command> to be executed when the player is at the position <top>
  • You can use some placeholders for the <command>:
    • {top}: Get the top position of the player
    • {name}: Get the name of the player
  • <top> starts from 1. A value of -1 indicates that the reward is for all players
  • clear-reward <top> to clear all commands at the position <top>
  • clear-all-reward to clear all commands at all the top
  • set-min-players-to-reward <number> to set how many players are required to start the reward

Set the <number> to -1 to disable the limit


  • new-hologram to create a new hologram at your current location
  • set-hologram-location <index> to move the hologram at the <index> to your current location

The <index> of the hologram starts from 0, and it is provided as the output of the action new-hologram

  • add-hologram-line <index> <line> to add the <line> at the end of the hologram at the <index>

You can use default hologram lines provided by the default-hologram-lines setting at the file messages.yml in the expansion’s folder

To use these lines, set the <line> to default:<name>, with the <name> indicating the name of the default hologram lines

For example, if you want to use the description hologram lines, the appropriate <line> will be default:description

  • clear-hologram-line <index> to clear all lines of the hologram at the <index>
  • remove-hologram <index> to remove the hologram at the <index>
  • clear-all-hologram to clear all holograms


  • set-waiting-time <time> to set the <time> before the game starts
  • set-in-game-time <time> to set the <time> the game runs
  • set-ending-time <time> to set the <time> before the game ends

The unit of <time> is millisecond by default

You can set the <time> in seconds by adding s after the time. For example, 30s is for 30 seconds

Similarly, you can set the <time> in minutes by using m (30m for 30 minutes)

Bat & Bat Spawning

  • set-max-spawn <number> to set the maximum amount of bats allowed on the game arena
  • set-min-x <number> to set the X offset between the minimum corner of the game box and that of the spawning box
  • set-max-x <number> to set the X offset between the maximum corner of the game box and that of the spawning box
  • set-min-y <number> to set the Y offset between the minimum corner of the game box and that of the spawning box
  • set-max-y <number> to set the Y offset between the maximum corner of the game box and that of the spawning box
  • set-min-z <number> to set the Z offset between the minimum corner of the game box and that of the spawning box
  • set-max-z <number> to set the Z offset between the maximum corner of the game box and that of the spawning box
  • add-name-tag <name> to add a name tag that would be set to the bat
  • clear-name-tags to clear all the name tags


{game_point}The points of the player
{game_top}The top position of the player
{game_time_left}The time left of the game arena
{game_min_players_to_reward}The minimum players to start the reward
{game_point_kill}The points to give when a player kills a bat
{game_top_name_<number>}The name of the player at the top position <number>
{game_top_value_<number>}The value of the player at the top position <number>



The actions below are used in the command /gitb action <planner> <action> [args]

For example, the command to use the action skip-time is gitb action <planner> skip-time

  • skip-time to skip the time on a state of the current arena