Defuse the Bomb



  1. Go to the download page
  2. Choose the latest version
  3. Download the -shaded file
  4. Copy the downloaded file to the folder plugins/GamesInTheBox/expansions
  5. Restart the server

How to play

Bombs would be spawned at the game arena. Players must click the bomb to defuse it and earn points. If a bomb exploded near a player, his points would be decreased. Those who have the highest points would win the game.

Set up

  1. Build a place for the box

1-Build 1-Build


The stones are for the two corners of the box

  1. Look at the first corner and type /gitbeditor action dtb set-pos1

2-Set-Pos1 2-Set-Pos1

  1. Look at the second corner and type /gitbeditor action dtb set-pos2

3-Set-Pos2 3-Set-Pos2

  1. Configure additional settings

  2. Save the settings as a new arena by typing /gitbeditor save dtb <planner> <arena>

  3. Clear the unnecessary blocks. Your new arena will be available after reloading

4-Final 4-Final

Additional Settings


The settings below are available as the actions of the command /gitbeditor action dtb <action> [args]

For example, the action set-point <number> plus is relevant to the command /gitbeditor action dtb set-point <number> plus

Use the command /gitbeditor usage dtb to get the full list of available actions and their usage

Use the command /gitbeditor status dtb to get the status of the settings, including the current values for each one of them


  • set-point <number> plus to set the points a player would receive when he defuses a bomb
  • set-point <number> minus to set the points decreased when a player is damaged by a bomb exploding


  • add-reward <top> <command> to add a new <command> to be executed when the player is at the position <top>
  • You can use some placeholders for the <command>:
    • {top}: Get the top position of the player
    • {name}: Get the name of the player
  • <top> starts from 1. A value of -1 indicates that the reward is for all players
  • clear-reward <top> to clear all commands at the position <top>
  • clear-all-reward to clear all commands at all the top
  • set-min-players-to-reward <number> to set how many players are required to start the reward

Set the <number> to -1 to disable the limit


  • new-hologram to create a new hologram at your current location
  • set-hologram-location <index> to move the hologram at the <index> to your current location

The <index> of the hologram starts from 0, and it is provided as the output of the action new-hologram

  • add-hologram-line <index> <line> to add the <line> at the end of the hologram at the <index>

You can use default hologram lines provided by the default-hologram-lines setting at the file messages.yml in the expansion’s folder

To use these lines, set the <line> to default:<name>, with the <name> indicating the name of the default hologram lines

For example, if you want to use the description hologram lines, the appropriate <line> will be default:description

  • clear-hologram-line <index> to clear all lines of the hologram at the <index>
  • remove-hologram <index> to remove the hologram at the <index>
  • clear-all-hologram to clear all holograms


  • set-waiting-time <time> to set the <time> before the game starts
  • set-in-game-time <time> to set the <time> the game runs
  • set-ending-time <time> to set the <time> before the game ends

The unit of <time> is millisecond by default

You can set the <time> in seconds by adding s after the time. For example, 30s is for 30 seconds

Similarly, you can set the <time> in minutes by using m (30m for 30 minutes)

Bomb & Bomb Spawning

  • set-min-fuse-ticks <number> to set the minimum fuse ticks of the bomb
  • set-max-fuse-ticks <number> to set the maximum fust ticks of the bomb
  • set-explode-yield <number> to set the damage yield when a bomb explodes
  • set-damage-on-explode <true/false> to enable / disable player damaging when a bomb explodes
  • set-max-spawn <number> to set the maximum amount of bombs allowed on the game arena
  • set-min-x <number> to set the X offset between the minimum corner of the game box and that of the spawning box
  • set-max-x <number> to set the X offset between the maximum corner of the game box and that of the spawning box
  • set-min-y <number> to set the Y offset between the minimum corner of the game box and that of the spawning box
  • set-max-y <number> to set the Y offset between the maximum corner of the game box and that of the spawning box
  • set-min-z <number> to set the Z offset between the minimum corner of the game box and that of the spawning box
  • set-max-z <number> to set the Z offset between the maximum corner of the game box and that of the spawning box
  • add-name-tag <name> to add a name tag that would be set to the bomb
  • clear-name-tags to clear all the name tags


{game_point}The points of the player
{game_top}The top position of the player
{game_time_left}The time left of the game arena
{game_min_players_to_reward}The minimum players to start the reward
{game_point_plus}The points to give when a player defuses a bomb
{game_point_minus}The points to take when a player gets damaged by a bomb
{game_top_name_<number>}The name of the player at the top position <number>
{game_top_value_<number>}The value of the player at the top position <number>



The actions below are used in the command /gitb action <planner> <action> [args]

For example, the command to use the action skip-time is gitb action <planner> skip-time

  • skip-time to skip the time on a state of the current arena